Dual plot, irregular diamond shape, with a total area of 0.1428 ha (14, 28 acres), along with the adjoining forest area, with a total area of 0.05 hectares (5 acres), without buildings, with a minimum of bias toward the forest, for the construction of area, roughly: 31.31 (front) x 45.61 (depth) dimensions of the adjacent forest area: 31.68 (front) x 15.78 (depth) of a single object of immovable propertytwo plots of land, with the removal of the axes in the Dual nature of the plot, is registered at the Agency for land relations and cadastre plot of forest adjacent to the dual site, paid for an indefinite period geodesy, with shelf life is up to 29.07.2014 Geology, drilling of wells, and with the report on engineering-geological investigations for the VC, the following works were performed, with the water supply and sewage wells account for VC